Call For Abstracts
To submit an abstract, you must create an account on the official website of BACO-25. Presenting Authors must be registered participants. Only abstracts of authors who have paid their registration fees by the Early Registration Deadline (30 April 2025)will be scheduled for presentation and included for publication. Authors are required to consent to the collection and use of personal information and the “Copyright Transfer Agreement” during abstract submission.
Abstracts may be submitted for oral, poster, or oral/poster presentation. The Symposia Conveners will determine whether the abstract will be accepted for presentation, taking into account the author’s preference. The Symposia Conveners and Scientific Program Committee also reserve the right to reassign presentation to other symposia.
The length of the abstract text must be between 100 (minimum) and 500 (maximum) words, which will be automatically counted by the submission system. Tables, figures, references, and other graphics are not allowed. You will be able to modify your abstract in the submission system until the submission deadline.
Abstract submitters must pay a separate submission fee ($60 USD) for each abstract submitted. Abstract submission fees are non-refundable. Abstract submission does not automatically guarantee acceptance.
Presenting authors may withdraw their abstract from the submission system before the submission deadline. After the deadline, please contact the Scientific Program Committee(
If you have any questions about the abstract submission process, please contact the Scientific Program Committee (