

M01 Atmospheric Chemistry in the Anthropocene: From the Urban to Global Scales

  • Convener(s)

    • Melita Keywood (CSIRO, Australia, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Hiroshi Tanimoto (NIES, Japan, IAMAS)
    • Mary Barth (NCAR, USA, IAMAS)
  • Description

    In a world in which industrialization is proceeding at a significant pace, changes to atmospheric composition have been significant since the start of the Industrial Revolution. These changes impact the climate and air quality, which affect human health and quality of life as well as ecosystems throughout the world. In this session we invite contributions from laboratory studies, field observations (especially recent campaigns), and modelling experiments examining local processes to regional-scale studies to long term trend analysis and projections and space scales (local to global). We particularly invite contributions on the mitigation practices for air quality and climate and on lessons learned from the pandemic lockdowns on air quality and climate. Contributions on the impact of biomass burning and emissions from other extreme events the world has witnessed and experienced over the past decade are also welcome.

M02 Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon

  • Convener(s)

    • Mary Barth (NCAR, USA)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Michelle Santee (JPL, USA)
    • Jonathan Wright (Tsinghua U, CHN)
    • Thara Prabhakaran (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Lin Wang (National Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
  • Description

    As a weather pattern, the Asian monsoon impacts the lives of more than a billion people. With rapid population and economic growth across the monsoon region, it becomes a pressing concern that the monsoon convection coupled to surface emissions is playing a significant role in the region’s air quality. The uplift of pollutants also enhances aerosol–cloud interactions that may change the behavior of the monsoon.

    The chemical transport effect of the monsoon system is seen from satellites as an effective transport path for pollutants to enter the stratosphere. The monsoon system is therefore relevant to scales and processes bridging regional air quality, climate change, and global chemistry-climate interaction. We solicit presentations on atmospheric composition and the Asian monsoon under four general topics: 1) Emissions and air quality in the Asian monsoon region; 2) Aerosols, clouds, and their interactions with the Asian monsoon; 3) Impact of monsoon convection on chemistry; and 4) Upper troposphere – lower stratosphere response to the Asian monsoon. Papers ranging from observations to modeling studies as well as those describing these phenomena in other monsoon systems are welcome.

M03 Weather modification: theory, practice and technology

  • Convener(s)

    • Ali Abshaev (HSRC, Republic of South Africa)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Baojun Chen (China Met, China)
    • Jing Duan (China Met, China)
  • Description

    The threats of meteorological disasters included by climate change have reignited the debate on intentional weather modification. Alternative strategies to mitigate the impacts of severe weather on society are being explored. In the past few decades, the number of severe and adverse weather events has increased several times in many regions. World losses from natural disasters are currently estimated in the hundreds of billions of dollars. According to World Meteorological Organization, more than 50 countries are conducting research and operational projects on weather modification activities such as hail suppression, precipitation enhancement, improvement of atmospheric conditions, fog or smog dispersion, etc.. Several studies have announced promising figures regarding the potential for temperature amelioration locally. A growing number of studies have announced promising prospect on mitigating adverse effects caused by several weather events.

    This session aims to provide a platform for exchanging the knowledge, activities, and technologies on weather modification. Topics of this session including but not limited to cloud and precipitation physics, rain enhancement, hail suppression, fog dispersal, etc.. Technologies such as numerical simulation, monitoring, evaluation, equipment developing, field and laboratory experiments for cloud seeding, etc., and research on cloud macro- and microphysical characteristics and related mechanisms, cloud water resource, observational technologies for cloud and precipitation are all welcomed.

M04 Cloud-Precipitation-Aerosol Studies

  • Convener(s)

    • Greg McFarquhar (Oklahoma university, USA)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Mary Barth (NCAR, USA)
    • Floortje Can Den Heuvel (BAS, UK)
    • Lu Chunsong (NUIST, China)
    • Hugh Coe (Machester university, UK)
  • Description

    Papers are solicited on theoretical, observational, laboratory and numerical modelling studies of cloud and precipitation microphysics, aerosols, chemistry and dynamics. The following topics (list non exhaustive) will be covered: Basic cloud and precipitation physics (including cloud condensation nuclei and ice nucleating particles and primary and secondary ice formation processes); ice nucleating particle measurements/monitoring; laboratory cloud simulation experiments; dynamics, microphysics and aerosol/chemistry in different type of clouds (fog, boundary layer, convective, severe storms, mid-level stratus, cirrus,..); cloud electrification; aerosol/cloud/precipitation interaction; cloud chemistry and its effect on atmospheric composition; clouds, aerosols and climate (including radiative properties of clouds); measurement techniques and instrument development; planned and inadvertent weather and climate modification. Papers on all these topics are solicited. As part of the symposium, there will be joint sessions on cloud-aerosol interactions between ICCP and iCACGP and a joint session on polar clouds-aerosol-precipitation between ICCP and ICPM.

M05 Advances in Dynamic Meteorology

  • Convener(s)

    • Thomas Spengler (University of Bergen, Norway)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Seok-Woo Son (SNU, Republic of Korea)
    • Julian Quinting (Karlsruhe Inst. Technology, Germany)
    • Shira Raveh-Rubin (Weizmann, Israel)
    • Yang Zhang (Nanjing University, China)
    • Thando Ndarana (University of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Yu Nie (National Climate Center China Meteorological Administration, China)
    • Noboru Nakamura (University of Chicago, USA)
  • Description

    The symposium focuses on advances in atmospheric dynamics based on theoretical, observational, diagnostic, and modelling studies. It deals with atmospheric phenomena of very different spatial scales including mesoscale, synoptic- and planetary-scales. Contributions are expected on storm track and jet-stream dynamics, eddy-mean flow interactions, frontal systems, cyclone and anticyclone evolution, blocking, stationary waves, stratosphere-troposphere coupling, dynamical connections between low, middle, and high-latitudes, and modes of atmospheric variability. We also welcome contributions that use machine learning as a method for improving our understanding of these phenomena and processes.

M06 Dynamics of Mountain Weather and Climate: Observations, Modeling and Prediction at all scales

  • Convener(s)

    • Vanda Grubišić (NOAA, USA)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Leila Carvalho (University of California, USA)
    • James Doyle (NRLMRY, USA)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Jung-Hoon Kim (Seoul National University, Korea)
  • Description

    The symposium focuses on dynamical processes that govern short-and long-term (climatic) state of the atmosphere influenced by orography, covering both wet and dry dynamics and a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. A special emphasis is on exchange processes of mass, momentum, energy between mountainous terrain and the free troposphere at all relevant scales. Contributions based on theoretical, observational, modeling, or combined approaches are invited on a range of topics including, but not limited to, orographic precipitation, mountain wind storms, convective initiation in complex terrain, gravity waves and gap flows, thermally-driven local circulations, mountain venting and meso-scale exchange processes, complex-terrain boundary-layer processes, air quality in complex terrain, hazards and extreme events and predictability of terrain-induced flows. Contributions addressing physical process studies, high-resolution numerical modeling and physical parameterizations as well as measurement techniques and observations from complex terrain field campaigns are all welcome.

M07 Tropical Meteorology

  • Convener(s)

    • Nedjeljka Žagar (University of Hamburg, Germany)
    • Sam Stechmann (University of Wisconsin, USA)
    • Daniel Kirshbaum (McGill University, Canada)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Hyemi Kim (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
    • Yukari Takayabu (University of Tokyo, Japan)
    • Takatoshi Sakazaki (Kyoto University, Japan)
  • Description

    The symposium focuses on recent advances in our understanding of the tropical circulation and thermodynamics. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: the interactions with convection and clouds, equatorial waves, mesoscale convective systems, tropical cyclones, precipitation, reduced and full-complexity model for analysis and forecasting of tropical flows. Contributions quantifying the interactions and feedback between different scales and processes, and their relative roles in driving tropical variability (e.g. Madden-Julian oscillation) in observations, (re)analyses, and weather and climate models are encouraged. Insights from recent observational campaigns and new satellite measurements are particularly welcome, as are contributions on the impact of new observations on prediction skill of numerical weather prediction models in the tropics. We also encourage contributions on the frontier challenges in tropical data assimilation, ensemble forecasting and predictability using machine learning.

M08 Dynamics and microphysics of moist convection

  • Convener(s)

    • Daniel Kirshbaum (McGill University, Canada)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Greg McFarquhar (University of Oklahoma, USA)
    • Thara Prabhakaran (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, India)
    • Hugh Morrison (NCAR, USA)
    • Christian Keil (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Wojciech Grabowski (NCAR, USA)
    • Courtney Schumacher (Texas A&M University, USA)
  • Description

    Process-level understanding of moist convection is relevant to many aspects of weather forecasting and climate simulation. Moist convection in the atmosphere is inherently a multi-scale phenomenon, from processes on the scale of cloud and precipitation particles, to cloud turbulence and entrainment, to cloud-scale updrafts and downdrafts, to mesoscale organization and the interaction of cloud fields with the large-scale environment. A key aspect is how these processes interact over this huge range of scales. This symposium is focused particularly on the dynamical and microphysical processes determining the properties of cumulus clouds and how they interact with the environment. Contributions are welcome on a range of relevant topics including aerosol-microphysics-dynamics interactions, precipitation development in cumulus clouds, entrainment and detrainment, cloud turbulence, updraft and downdraft dynamics, the shallow-to-deep convective transition, convective-cold pool interactions, and convective organization and upscale growth. These could include perspectives from observations, theory, and/or modeling, including parameterization development.

M09 Mesoscale meteorology

  • Convener(s)

    • Mario Marcello Miglietta (ISAC, Italy)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • James Doyle (US Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
    • Daniel Kirshbaum (McGill University, Canada)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Julian Quinting (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
    • Wataru Yanase (Meteorological Research Institute, Japan)
    • Yu Du (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)
  • Description

    The symposium will focus on mesoscale phenomena. Topics will include the dynamics and phenomenology of hazards associated with convective storms in the present climate and within the context of climate change, including mesoscale convective systems, isolated thunderstorms, hailstorms, supercells and tornadoes, lightning, heavy rainfall and (flash) floods, windstorms, downbursts, in connection with the extra-tropical cyclones and hurricanes responsible for these localized events. Contributions are encouraged on hybrid cyclones, such as subtropical cyclones, polar lows and medicanes, considering the growing interest to objectively quantify the gray areas among the categories of tropical and extratropical cyclones and to better explore the processes leading to their development and intensification. Topics related to lower troposphere phenomena (e.g., boundary layer convection, air mass boundaries, such as fronts, drylines, sea breezes, outflow boundaries, and gravity waves) and mesoscale coastal phenomena will also be encouraged, with particular attention to their effect on heavy rainfall events. Contributions exploring the effect of aerosols as an ingredient which may play a role in triggering, reinforcing, or attenuating these events are of interest. Studies addressing different temporal and spatial scales are encouraged, using both modeling and observational tools. The session will include both present-day analysis (numerical modeling, reanalysis data, satellite and radar observations, machine learning/artificial intelligence methods, results from past and future field campaigns, ...), forecasting at different time ranges (including nowcasting), climatology, risk assessment, innovative early warning systems, climate change analysis (starting from climate model simulations), and attribution studies (such as pseudo-global warming simulations).

M10 Middle Atmosphere Symposium

  • Convener(s)

    • Natalia Calvo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Seok_Woo Son (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
    • Alvaro de la Camara (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
  • Description

    The Middle Atmosphere Symposium covers all aspects of middle atmospheric science, with emphasis on the interaction between dynamics, radiation and chemistry within the middle atmosphere itself and between the middle atmosphere and the troposphere. Observational, modelling, theoretical, and laboratory studies are all solicited. Research topics include (but are not limited to):

    - Gravity waves, their generation, propagation and breaking
    - Sub-seasonal to decadal dynamical variability in the Middle Atmosphere
    - Middle Atmosphere response to anthropogenic and natural forcings
    - Stratospheric/Mesospheric chemistry and ozone
    - Radiation, microphysics, chemistry and dynamics at the tropopause
    - Transport and mixing in multiple spatial scales
    - Tropical / extratropical dynamical interactions
    - Vertical coupling in the Middle Atmosphere
    - Mechanisms of Stratosphere-Troposphere coupling, at all time scales
    - Role of the Middle Atmosphere on surface climate predictions and projections.

M11 Polar weather and climate extremes

  • Convener(s)

    • Tracy Moffat-Griffin (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Jonathan Wille (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
    • Diana Francis (Khalifa University, UAE)
    • Minghu Ding (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China)
  • Description

    Record-shattering weather extremes are occurring more frequently across the world. Over Polar Regions, similar weather extremes receive less attention, but cause events with global sea-level rise implications. The latest IPCC report states that in a warming climate, globally it is expected that there will be an increase in frequency and intensity of weather extremes. Thus, it is essential to understand the drivers of these short-term Polar weather extremes and their often long-term impacts. This session invites presentations on studies that examine Polar weather and climate extremes, including both past events and future predictions, and their subsequent impacts

M12 Earth's Energy Budget

  • Convener(s)

    • Maria Hakuba (NASA JPL, USA)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Seiji Kato (NASA Langley Research Center, USA)
    • Martin Wild (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
    • Norman Loeb (NASA Langley Research Center, USA)
  • Description

    The solar and terrestrial infrared radiant energy within the Earth-atmosphere system and the exchange of turbulent heat fluxes between the surface and atmosphere are the dominant forms of energy that determine Earth’s climate. In addition, the profile of radiative flux, dry static, moist static, and kinetic energy divergence, and diabatic heating by precipitation are significant flux components in the atmosphere. How these are distributed regionally dictates atmospheric and oceanic transport and the hydrological cycle. This symposium seeks presentations that provide novel new insights into how energy is distributed within the climate system and how and why it is changing. We welcome both observational and modelling studies that encompass the following areas related to Earth’s energy budget: Earth’s energy imbalance and ocean heat storage; the linkages between the energy and water cycles; studies discussing how the energy budget is altered through forcing and feedback mechanisms.

M13 Advances in Atmospheric Radiation

  • Convener(s)

    • Manfred Wendisch (University of Leipzig, Germany)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Hajime Okamoto (Kyushu University, Japan)
    • Christine Chiu (Colorado State University, USA)
  • Description

    Radiation sciences have proved essential for understanding energy processes and associated balance – and imbalance – within the Earth-Atmosphere system, providing fundamental knowledge of the radiative processes in the climate system and on global observation of climate parameters. Recognizing the importance of the radiation sciences, the International Radiation Commission (IRC) is concerned with research and application topics such as the spectroscopic nature of atmospheric constituents and of the Earth's surface, radiant energy transfer theory and modeling, aspects of radiant energy in climate change and weather, remote sensing of the atmosphere and surface, and observations of radiant energy flow throughout the Earth-atmosphere system. Papers being solicited may include current progress in all of these research areas. In addition, it is encouraged that up-to-date progress in IRC Working Groups (Atmospheric Spectroscopy Applications, Baseline Surface Radiation Network, Clouds and Radiation, Global Energy Balance, International Coordination group for Laser Atmospheric Studies, International Polarized Radiative Transfer, International TOVS Working Group, Solar Ultra Violet Radiation, Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer, Solar Irradiance, and Hyperspectral Radiation: Measurements and Modelling) is presented in this symposium.

M14 Lightning, Thunderstorms and Atmospheric Electricity

  • Convener(s)

    • Colin Price (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Xiushu Qie (Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
  • Description

    Thunderstorms and lightning are closely related to the dynamical and thermodynamic processes in the atmosphere. In addition, global thunderstorms impact fair weather electricity as part of the global electric circuit. The session aims at presenting on-going research activities on thunderstorm electricity as well as the impacts of lightning and thunderstorms on the upper atmosphere and the global electric circuit. Topics of interest cover lightning detection techniques and data processing, observational and modeling-based studies of thunderstorm electricity, lightning-based thunderstorm nowcasting, lightning data assimilation, artificial intelligence (IA) and lightning, effect of lightning on atmospheric composition, TLEs and energetic radiation, fair weather electricity, and the use of lightning records as an essential climate variable. Results from field and laboratory experiments, space observation, theoretical work and numerical modeling are welcome.

M15 Advances in the Remote Sensing of Aerosols, Clouds, Precipitation and Radiation

  • Convener(s)

    • Jing Li (Peking University, China)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Lei Bi (Zhejiang University, China)
    • Sang-Moo Lee (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
    • Masahiro Momoi (GRASP SAS, France)
    • Chong Shi (Aerospace Information Research Institute, China)
    • Odran Sourdeval (University of Lille, France)
  • Description

    Remote sensing plays a crucial role in understanding the Earth's atmosphere and climate system through the measurement of aerosols, clouds, and radiation. With advancements in technology, the field of remote sensing has witnessed several breakthroughs in recent years. In particular, the emergence of new instruments and techniques allows the retrieval of aerosol optical parameters and cloud microphysical properties, which greatly contributed to the understanding the role of aerosols and clouds in regulating the Earth’s energy budget. This session aims to bring together researchers, scientists, and experts in the field to discuss the latest advances in remote sensing techniques for aerosols, clouds, and radiation.

    The primary objective of this session is to provide a platform for participants to share and exchange their knowledge, research findings, and experiences related to remote sensing techniques. The session will focus on advancements in the field, challenges faced, and potential solutions for enhancing the accuracy and reliability of remote sensing measurements of aerosols, clouds, precipitation and radiation.

    Topics to be Covered:
    1. Novel remote sensing instruments and platforms for aerosols, clouds, precipitation and radiation measurements.
    2. Calibration and validation techniques for remote sensing instruments.
    3. Data fusion and integration of multiple remote sensing datasets.
    4. Retrieval algorithms for aerosol and cloud properties.
    5. Characterization of aerosol and cloud microphysical and optical properties.
    6. Advances in particle scattering and radiative transfer theories.
    8. Advances in the remote sensing of precipitation.
    9. Advances in the measurement of surface and top-of-atmosphere radiation.
    8. Satellite-based assessment of aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction.

M16 The Mechanism and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones

  • Convener(s)

    • Ji Nie (Peking University, China)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Bolei Yang (Peking University, China)
    • Yanlluan Lin (Tsinghua University, China)
    • Qingqing Li (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China)
    • Jian-Feng Gu (Nanjing University, China)
  • Description

    Tropical cyclones (TCs) are among the most catastrophic disasters on Earth. They bring strong winds, storm surges, heavy rainfall, and flooding to coastal areas, posing severe potential threats to human life and the economy. With advancements in observations ans theories, we have gained a profound understanding of TC in recent decades. However, the prediction of tropical cyclone numbers, tracks, intensities, sizes, and precipitation has improved only slowly in recent years, indicating that we still lack a systematic understanding of the relevant physical processes. This session aims to to bring together researchers, scientists, and experts in the TC community and explore recent advances in all aspects of TC.

    The primary objective of this session is to provide a platform for participants to share and exchange their research findings, new ideas, and experiences related to tropical cyclones. We hope this session will help advance the understanding and prediction of tropical cyclones, and reduce the losses of life and economic impacts caused by tropical cyclones.

    Topics to be Covered:
    1. TC internal dynamics including genesis, (rapid) intensification, structural changes, and rainband activity;
    2. TC interactions with the environment, including vertical shear, terrain, oceans, and mid-latitude systems;
    3. TC prediction skills, ranging from nowcasting to seasonal prediction, data assimilation, and machine learning;
    4. TC activity response to climate change.

M18 Monsoon systems: variability, processes, predictability, change and extremes

  • Convener(s)

    • Jianping Li (Ocean University of China, China)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • V Krishnamurthy (George Mason University, USA)
    • Andrew Turner (University of Reading, UK)
    • Bin Wang (University of Hawaii, USA)
    • E Hugo Berbery (University of Maryland, USA)
    • Jun Matsuoto (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
    • Kyung-ja Ha (Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
    • R Krishnan (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, India)
    • Fred Kucharski (The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy)
    • Allesandra Giannini (Columbia University, USA)
    • Jin Ho Yoo (APEC Climate Center, Republic of Korea)
    • Andrew Robertson (International Research Institute for Climate and Society, USA)
    • Yuhei Takaya (Meteorological Research Institute/Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan)
    • Suryun Ham (APEC Climate Center, Republic of Korea)
    • Young-Mi Min (APEC Climate Center, Republic of Korea)
  • Description

    Monsoon systems in widespread, rapid, and intensifying climate change have experienced some major changes, which are intensifying the water end energy cycles and have profound impacts on extreme weather and climate events. These changes are affecting precipitation patterns, strength and variabilities, and cause more intense floods and drought as well, with significant social consequences. A better understanding of variabilities, dynamics and physics of monsoon systems at different scales in rapid and intensifying climate change and their role in Earth's energy budget and water cycle and extreme weather and climate events so as to better improve prediction and projection of monsoon systems is therefore of a great importance. This symposium invites presentations on all aspects of monsoon system studies, including observational, diagnostic, theoretical, attribution, modelling, prediction and projection research.

M19 Understanding and Modeling of Weather and Geophysical Extremes and Related Complex Risks

  • Convener(s)

    • Christian Franzke (Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Lichao Yang (Capital Normal University, China)
    • Jun-Hyeok Son (IBS Center for Climate Physics, Republic of Korea)
    • Regina R. Rodrigues (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, IAPSO)
    • Kai Kornhuber (Columbia University, USA)
    • Matthew Lazzara (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison/Madison Area Technical College, USA, IAMAS)
    • Mathieu Morlighem (Dartmouth College, USA)
    • Malte F. Stuecker (University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA)
    • Delei Li (Institute of Oceanology, China)
  • Description

    Losses from extreme weather and geophysical events have increased globally over the last decades and are expected to further increase in the future because of climatic and socio-economic changes. These losses arise from a complex interplay between human and environmental systems, for which the outcomes are often hard to predict. Yet, developing plans and policies for managing risks from extreme weather and geophysical events is an urgent and paramount task for societies. The inherent interdisciplinary nature of complex climate risks and extremes requires to bring together scientists and practitioners from widely different fields related to the modeling of risk and extremes in human and environmental systems. We will highlight the interdisciplinary nature of these approaches, with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of complex climate risks and extremes. In this session we welcome contributions focused on:

    - Risk quantification and management tools e.g., natural catastrophe models, agent-based models, system dynamic models
    - How extreme events and their impacts have varied or are likely to vary under climate change
    - How well climate models and reanalysis products capture observed extreme events
    - Attribution of extreme events and their impacts
    - Emergent constraints on extremes
    - Linking dynamical systems extremes to geophysical extremes
    - Downscaling of weather and climate extremes and their impacts
    - Predictability of extremes using numerical, statistical, simple theoretical, and AI
    - Linking the dynamics of climate extremes to their impact
    - Tele-coupling and cascading extremes between the climate and socio-economic systems

M20 High resolution modelling of regional and local climate

  • Convener(s)

    • Tomas Halenka (Charles University, Czech)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Gaby Langendijk (Climate Service Center Germany, Germany)
    • Peter Hoffmann (GERICS, DEU)
    • Diana Reichid (Climate Service Center Germany, Germany)
    • Lee Welhouse (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
  • Description

    Regional climate models can be used not only for dynamical downscaling of the GCMs results but for the analysis of a broad spectrum of problems, e.g. in land surface interaction, cloud processes, atmospheric chemistry and many others purposes. The recent trends emphasize increasing resolution, shifting from a few tens of km towards just a few kilometers where so-called convection-permitting mode can significantly contribute to the reality how some processes are captured. This is especially true for precipitation, as well as for introduction of very local processes, like urbanization and local atmospheric chemistry. However, it should be said that this approach is very demanding in terms of computational resources. This lead already in the past to the broader cooperation between the groups (CORDEX), which despite of the demands enable to provide strong ensembles of the simulations for regions of interest with full coverage of necessary scenarios for climate projections. Higher resolution simulations from RCMs can significantly improve the applicability of scenarios outputs for climate change impacts assessment and for further climate services and decission made for adaptation on these changes.

    Contributions addressing all these above mentioned aspects, i.e. mountains and land-use effects, impacts of urbanization, effects of the regional climate and atmospheric chemistry interactions, specific regions problems like in polar or tropical areas, as well as broader regional climate modelling science development are welcome to be submitted for this session.

M21 Earth-Atmosphere interaction and Boundary Layer Processes

  • Convener(s)

    • Ivana Stiperski (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Nikki Vercauteren (University of Cologne, Germany)
    • Qi Li (Cornell University, USA)
    • Jinkyu Hong (Yonsei University, Korea)
  • Description

    This symposium will focus on atmospheric boundary layer processes. ABL plays a key role in weather and climate, but also in air quality and renewable energy. Still, the comprehensive understanding of the dynamical processes driving ABL evolution and modification, its interactions with the underlying surface and scale interactions with overlying free atmosphere, remain a challenge for meteorology. This is especially true over complex terrain and under strong stratification. We therefore welcome theoretical, observational and numerical studies that target the physical processes occuring in the ABL, including turbulence, interactions with the surface, and interactions with the free atmosphere. Topics encouraged within the session include results from observational campaigns focusing on ABL processes (especially over heterogeneous or mountainous terrain, urban or glaciated surfaces), interactions between the ABL and larger scale flows such as downslope windstorms, Surface Energy Balance closure studies, ML and other advances in turbulence closure and surface turbulence parametrizations, representation of complex and heterogeneous terrain in numerical models of the atmosphere.

JMP02 Machine Learning in atmospheric, ocean and earth-system prediction: forecasting, simulation and scientific analysis

  • Convener(s)

    • Hannah Christensen (University of Oxford, UK, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Ashesh Chattopadhyay (University of California, Santa Cruz, US)
    • Julien Le Sommer (CNRS, Grenoble, France)
    • Dale Durran (University of Washington, Seattle, US)
    • Tijana Janjic (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germay, IAMAS)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Yoo-Geun Ham (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
  • Description

    Machine Learning (ML) for weather prediction has taken off, including models that threaten to completely replace dynamical models. Similar all-in-one ML models for earth-system modeling are under-development. Targeted ML models have been trained to predict particular Earth system phenomena. When combined with eXplainable AI (XAI) techniques, all these ML models can lead to improvements in our physical understanding, including sources of predictability and causal mechanisms. This session welcomes papers which use ML approaches to predict and/or understand future states of the atmosphere or the coupled Earth system. ML applications that estimate the past state of the atmosphere are more appropriate for the data assimilation symposium.

JMP03 High-impact Weather and Climate Extremes

  • Convener(s)

    • Kevin Reed (Stony Brook University, USA, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Abhishekh Srivastava(University of California, Davis, USA)
    • Richard Grotjahn (University of California, Davis, USA)
    • Leila Carvalho(University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
    • Yun-Young Lee (APCC, Republic of Korea)
    • Neil Holbrook(University of Tasmania, Australia)
    • Frederic Vitart (ECMWF, UK)
    • Lin Wang (IAPCAS, China)
    • Alyssa Stansfield (University of Utah, USA)
    • Seok-Woo Son (SNU, Republic of Korea)
    • Dong-Hyun Cha (UNIST, Republic of Korea)
    • Myong-In Lee (UNIST, Republic of Korea)
    • Eun-Chul Chang (KNU, Republic of Korea)
    • Min Ho Kwon (KIOST, Republic of Korea)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Seung-Ki Min (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
  • Description

    Improved understanding and prediction of weather and climate extremes underpins progress in developing policies and early warning systems that make communities more resilient. Extreme events occur on broad temporal and spatial scales, so improved prediction exploits sources of predictability on multiple scales that interact across various Earth system components. This symposium solicits contributions related to observational, synoptic-dynamical, statistical, and modeling studies on high-impact weather and atmospheric and oceanic climate extremes. Key challenges include documenting how extremes have varied or are likely to vary under a changing climate and how well climate models capture these events including compound events. Presentations that examine the dynamics of extreme events, assess model simulations, track observed extremes, and explore the extent humans are responsible for changes in extremes are all encouraged. Understanding underlying physical and dynamical processes for weather extremes includes diabatic effects on meso- and synoptic-scale dynamics. Simulation, prediction, and scientific understanding of extremes all increase resilience to high-impact weather on various time-scales and are within the scope of this symposium. Contributions on: observing strategies, field campaigns and demonstration projects, dynamical and statistical analysis methods, including methods using machine learning and artificial intelligence, communicating forecasts and their skill and uncertainties, weather impacts, marine extremes, and assessments of vulnerability and risk are all solicited.

JMP04 Antarctic Bottom Water formation, variability and trends

  • Convener(s)

    • Xianxian Han (Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), China, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Mathew England (University of New South Wales, Australia)
    • Shigeru Aoki (Hokkaido University, Japan)
    • Alessandro Silvano (University of Southampton, UK)
    • Zhaomin Wang (Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), China)
  • Description

    Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) comprises the densest water in the major ocean basins, filling more than one-third of the ocean. AABW originates from the dense shelf waters (DSW) formed on the Antarctic continental shelf, which can overflow across the shelf break. During the descending processes over the continental slope, DSW entrains ambient waters to produce AABW. The AABW formation process ventilates the abyssal ocean and traps heat and carbon from the atmosphere for centuries, thereby playing a key role in the global ocean overturning circulation and climate.

    AABW has warmed, freshened, and declined in volume around the globe in recent decades. Recent studies based on sparse observations show that the volume of AABW is declining more rapidly than expected, which was highlighted as one of the ten scientific breakthroughs in the year 2023 by Science journal. Despite the key role of AABW in regulating Earth’s climate on long time scales, the formation and variability of AABW remains poorly understood due to limitations in observations and modelling. Under global warming, the abyssal circulation driven by AABW formation is projected to slow down further, which has strong implications for the future global heat and carbon budgets.

    This symposium invites contributions related to the formation processes, variability and trends in AABW, both historical and future projections. We welcome all contributions related to observational, theoretical, and modelling studies of AABW and its impacts.

JMP05 Variability and change in Pacific Ocean-Atmosphere system

  • Convener(s)

    • Bolan Gan (Ocean Univ. of China, China, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Guojian Wang (CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Australia)
    • Sang-Wook Yeh (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
    • Bo Qiu (University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA)
    • Xiu-Qun Yang (Nanjing University, China)
    • Mat Collins (University of Exeter, UK, IAMAS)
    • Leon Chafik (Stockholm University, Sweden)
    • Wenju Cai (CSIRO, Australia)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Eitarou Oka (University of Tokyo, Japan)
    • Lingfeng Tao (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China)
    • Eui-Seok Chung (Korea Polar Research Institute, Korea)
  • Description

    The Pacific Ocean, with its vast expanse and immense heat storage capacity, plays a central role in the Earth's climate system. The intricate interplay of oceanic processes within the Pacific and their interactions with the atmosphere give rise to some of the world's most influential climate modes, such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)/Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), which have far-reaching impacts on regional and global climate patterns. As climate change progresses, understanding the variability and changes occurring within the Pacific becomes increasingly vital. This session aims to provide a platform for sharing and discussing recent progresses in understanding the Pacific Ocean dynamics and its role in climate. We solicit contributions from a broad range of topics, including but not limited to tropical variability (ENSO, Indo-Pacific-Atlantic interbasin exchange, teleconnections), extratropical variability (PDO/IPO, boundary currents, ocean fronts and eddies), tropical-extratropical interactions, as well as upscale impacts of oceanic small-scale processes, ocean heat uptake and sea level. All research activities ranging from observation-based studies to modelling efforts and from basin-scale studies to regionally-focused investigations are welcome.

JMP06 Advancing air-sea flux process understanding across diverse conditions

  • Convener(s)

    • Greg Foltz (NOAA, USA, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Dongxiao Zhang (NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, USA, IAPSO)
    • Lev Looney (University of Miami, USA)
    • Tomoki Tozuka (University of Tokyo, Japan)
    • Linlin Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
  • Description

    The ocean and atmosphere communicate through fluxes of heat, mass, momentum, and gases. These fluxes drive extreme weather events, such as tropical and extratropical cyclones, and are affected by the physical state of the ocean's surface and air-sea interface in ways that are not well understood. At the other extreme of weak winds, reversals in the sign of the air-sea momentum flux have been observed in the presence of ocean swells, and wind gustiness becomes important. Strong surface currents and sharp horizontal gradients of sea surface temperature also drive air-sea momentum and heat fluxes that can rectify onto the mean state. This session invites contributions that use observations, models, laboratory experiments, statistics, or theory to advance our understanding of air-sea fluxes in extreme conditions. The intent is to provide a friendly platform for the exchange of ideas and to facilitate collaboration between different observing, modeling, and experimental groups.

JMP07 Past climate changes and their relevance for the future

  • Convener(s)

    • Qiuzhen Yin (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Agatha de Boer (Stockholm University, Sweden)
    • Ayako Abe-Ouchi (University of Tokyo, Japan)
    • Emilie Capron (Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
    • Haiwei Zhang (Xi'an Jiaotong Univerisity, China)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Axel Timmermann (IBS Center for Climate Physics, Pusan National University, Korea)
    • Hai Cheng (Xi'an Jiaotong University, China)
    • Qiong Zhang (Stockholm University, Sweden)
  • Description

    Paleoclimate research provides information on climate dynamics through time based on proxy reconstructions or model simulations of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the earth system. Understanding the nature and mechanisms of past climate changes in general and particularly of the past warm periods has the potential to provide context and insight into climate and sea-level response to human activities over the industrial period and into the future, as well as the impacts of such climate change on the environment. This symposium invites researchers who investigate the long-term behavior of the climate system and of the environment in the past and how it is projected to change in the future. We encourage both modelers and empirical scientists who focus on different aspects of the climate system to participate.

JMP09 El Niño/Southern Oscillation and its Global and Regional Impacts

  • Convener(s)

    • Fei-Fei Jin (University of Hawaii, USA, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Jianping Li (Ocean University of China, China)
    • Wenju Cai (CSIRO, Australia)
    • Soon-il An (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
  • Description

    The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), one of the most important drivers on climate variability, has profound climatic, environmental, economical, and societal impacts on both global and regional climate. Evidences, albeit limited, suggest that the basic characteristics of ENSO, including its types, amplitude, frequency, asymmetry, teleconnections etc., have been undergoing changes. However, projections for potential future changes are diverse and the whole issue of how ENSO may respond to global warming and thus contribute to the global and regional climatic and environmental changes is far from understood and is an important subject of intense research worldwide. This symposium invites contributions regarding the latest scientific advances on observational, theoretical and modeling studies on: ENSO dynamics, ENSO impacts, ENSO predictability and prediction, and ENSO projected changes and the associated impacts due to projected climate change scenarios.

JMP10 Ocean-Atmosphere Mechanisms of Climate Variability, Change and Predictability

  • Convener(s)

    • Hisashi Nakamura (University of Tokyo, Japan)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Tim Woollings (University of Oxford, UK, IAMAS)
    • Tomoki Tozuka (University of Tokyo, Japan)
    • Jingjia Luo (NUIST, China)
    • Yukio Masumoto (University of Tokyo, Japan)
    • Lin Wang (IAP, China)
    • Yang Zhang (Nanjing University, China)
  • Invited Speaker(s)

    • Ayako Yamamoto (J. F. Oberlin University, Japan)
  • Description

    Interaction between the ocean and atmosphere plays an important role in many aspects of climate variability, predominantly from (sub)seasonal timescales upwards. The associated teleconnections cover the globe and can also interact with other systems such as the land and cryosphere. The long timescales inherent in such coupled variability provide an invaluable source of skill for near-term climate predictions in particular. Coupled variability on decadal and longer timescales is of increasing importance in the attribution and interpretation of emerging anthropogenic effects, and the longer term forced climate change signal is also significantly affected by ocean-atmosphere coupling. This symposium welcomes contributions of theoretical, modelling and observational work related to ocean-atmosphere variability and change. Specific topics covered by the symposium include but are not limited to: Tropical coupled variability and teleconnections; mechanisms of mid-latitude air-sea interaction; the role of ocean frontal zones and eddies in the coupled system; representation of air-sea interaction and teleconnections in climate models; role of ocean variability in decadal climate variability and near-term climate predictability; and ocean-atmosphere coupling under climate change.

JMC11 Exploration of the Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres and Surfaces

  • Convener(s)

    • Lee Yeon Joo (Institute for Basic Science, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Ann Vandaele (Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Belgium)
    • Giuliano Liuzzi (University of Basilicata, Italy)
    • Ed Thiemann (University of Colorado, USA)
    • Richard Essery (University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Description

    Over the last decades, planetary science has revealed an incredible diversity of atmospheres on the various planetary bodies in our galaxy. Considerable efforts are being made at international level to better understand such diverse atmospheres and surfaces. These efforts encompass a wide variety of research fields: development of remote sensing techniques, space missions for orbiters and in-situ measurements, analysis of remote sensing data, understanding ices/ocean/surface-atmosphere-space interactions, numerical calculations of radiative and dynamical atmospheric processes, understanding of the evolution of these atmospheres and surfaces, comparative planetology studies, and laboratory measurements in support to different planetary conditions. In this session, papers covering these diverse topics will be solicited, providing the community with a comprehensive approach to characterizing these very different atmospheres and surfaces. Submission of Earth studies abstracts on related subjects is encouraged to foster cross-fertilization.

JMC12 Multi-scale processes of hydrological cycles and impacts of the climate change

  • Convener(s)

    • Woosok Moon (Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Ukkyo Jeong (Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea, IACS)
    • Eunkyo Seo (Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
  • Description

    Water in the Earth’s system circulates in various scales in the atmosphere, on the land, in the ocean, and underground, and is changing as climate changes. Climate change likely speeds up the water cycle as warming global temperatures increase the evaporation rate and provide more thermal energy to the atmosphere. Such impacts are not evenly distributed around the world; some areas may experience heavier precipitation whereas other areas may be affected by the accelerated desertification. This session aims to share new findings of multi-scale processes of the hydrological cycles which may be related to the climate change. The main topic of this session includes global circulation, more rain and flooding, more extreme drought, stronger hurricanes, heat waves, and cryosphere changes.

JMC13 Tropical-polar interactions under rapid climate change: Processes and influences

  • Convener(s)

    • Lin Wang (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, China, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Xichen Li (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, China)
    • Minghu Ding (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science, China)
  • Description

    Present and future interactions of weather/climate variability between tropical and polar regions.
    Role of atmosphere-ocean-ice-land coupling in the tropical-polar interactions.
    Dynamics, modelling, and predictability of the tropical-polar interactions.
    Influences of the tropical-polar interactions on mid-latitude weather/climate in current and future climate.

JMC14 Climate Change in the Polar Regions: Observing, Modelling and Predicting High Impact Transitions

  • Convener(s)

    • David Reusch (University of Washington, USA, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Tom Bracegirdle (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
    • Pranab Deb (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
    • Amelie Kirchgaessner (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
    • Gareth Marshall (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
    • Richard Essery (University of Edinburgh, UK)
    • Tracy Moffat-Griffin (British Antarctic Survey, UK)
  • Description

    Over recent decades the polar regions have experienced some of the most profound climatic changes on Earth including: rapid regional atmosphere/ocean warming with unprecedented record extremes, changing precipitation amount and phase, decreases in sea ice extent and snow cover, thawing permafrost, and ice-sheet mass loss and disintegration of ice shelves. Understanding the processes and forcings behind these past changes is key to gaining skill and confidence in estimating future change in the climate system. New observations and improvements to observational methods, climate model evaluation against observations, new and old, and improvements in modelling are all critical to achieving this goal. This session will focus on Arctic and Antarctic climate change (on annual to multi-decadal timescales) over the last century and possible changes to come in a world of increasing anthropogenic/climate forcing. We welcome presentations on: changes detected in high latitude in-situ observations; explaining recent trends in sea ice and assessing potential future responses; modelling recent and future climates of the polar regions; high latitude modes of climate variability; impact of tropical climate variability on high latitudes; extreme events and their contribution to underlying climate trends; and the implications of current and future polar change for the rest of the planet.

JMCP18 Sub-seasonal to Decadal Prediction (S2S-S2D)

  • Convener(s)

    • Frederic Vitart (ECMWF, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Seok-Woo Son (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
    • June-Yi Lee (Pusan National University & IBS Center for Climate Physics, Republic of Korea)
    • Swadhin Behera (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan)
    • Lin Wang (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, China)
    • Baek-Min Kim (Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea)
    • Myong-In Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)
    • Andrew Marshall (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia)
    • Myung-Seo Koo (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction System (KIAPS), Republic of Korea)
  • Description

    There is a growing interest in the research and application communities in developing sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S: 2 weeks to a season) and seasonal to decadal (S2D: seasons to a decade) forecasts. This session invites contributions that span all aspects of meteorological and oceanographic prediction in the 2 weeks to a decade time range. The session will include both meteorological and impact studies. Contributions are welcome for studies of phenomena such as the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO), ENSO, IOD, AMO, tropical/extratropical waves, ocean-atmosphere coupling, stratospheric variability, and stratosphere - troposphere coupling, in addition to studies of predictability/skill of oceanic,atmospheric or surface variables and case studies of high impact weather events. Contribution regarding impacts studies at the S2S and S2D time-range are welcome, including, but not limited to, the areas of hydrology, health, fire, agriculture, and energy. These can include modeling studies of the impacts right through to presentations of how S2S and S2D-derived information can be integrated into decision support systems at the local, regional and country level. Studies of prediction for marine and terrestrial ecosystems are also highly welcome.

JMCP19 Biogeochemical interactions across the atmosphere-ice-ocean interface

  • Convener(s)

    • Yuzo Miyazaki (Hokkaido university, Japan, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Jinyoung Jung (KOPRI, Republic of Korea)
    • Minako Kurisu (JAMSTEC, Japan)
    • Michihiro Mochida (Nagoya university, Japan)
  • Description

    The interaction of trace gases and aerosols across the atmosphere-ice-ocean interface has both direct and indirect impacts on air quality, marine ecosystems, and the climate system at local to global scales. For example, changing a sea-ice environment in the polar oceans affects air-sea exchanges of chemically, biologically, and climatically active trace gases and aerosol particles. Understanding these atmosphere-cryosphere-ocean interactions and how they will evolve with changing climate and precursor emissions/depositions, is a key research area needed. This session is proposed to encourage submission of studies using results from field campaigns, remote sensing, laboratory measurements, and/or modeling to promote our understanding of the biogeochemical interactions across the atmosphere-ice-ocean and their impact on current, past, and future atmospheric sciences and biogeochemical feedback. We also propose to accept studies with various time scales and on all spatial scales (e.g., from the sea surface microlayer to the global ocean), and to discuss open questions and summarize new findings on the interactions above.

JMCP20 Responses of Antarctic ice shelves to changing atmospheric and oceanic forcing

  • Convener(s)

    • Chengyang Liu ( Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), China, IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Kazuya Kusahara (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science Technology, Japan)
    • Shenjie Zhou (Natural Environment Research Council, UK)
    • Craig Stevens (National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand)
    • Xi Liang ( Ministry of Natural Resources, China)
    • Zhaomin Wang (Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai), China)
  • Description

    Under global warming, sea-level rise is one of the most critical issues in a changing world. As the largest potential contributor to the global sea-level rise, the Antarctic Ice Sheet mainly loses its mass to iceberg calving and basal melting of ice shelves. The retreat of ice shelves is not only susceptible to warming in adjacent water masses but also the unprecedented changes in sea ice and atmospheric forcing. However, substantial uncertainties still surround the response of the ice shelves to the changing climate, leading to confusion among the public and policy-making communities.

    Basal melting of ice shelves is determined by interactions between the basal surface of ice shelves and adjacent water masses, including dense shelf water, seasonally warmed surface water, and warm deep water. Dense shelf water is mainly produced by brine rejection from sea ice formation, and coastal sea ice opening in early spring favors the formation of warm surface water. Warm deep water originates from the cross-slope intrusions of Circumpolar Deep Water in the Southern Ocean. Consequently, not only the local atmospheric forcing and sea ice evolution exert a strong influence on ice shelves, but also the remote water mass transformations in the Southern Ocean can threaten the ice shelf stability. However, knowledge of the phenomenon is still lacking due to spare observations, and theoretical understanding is also limited due to poor representations of key processes in numerical models.

    This joint session intends to build an improved understanding of the responses of ice shelves to changing climate and how these responses may feed back into the climate system. Contributions concerning the corresponding processes around Antarctica using various approaches are welcome. To keep the joint interest, we particularly encourage contributions focusing on the interactions between ice shelves, ocean, and sea ice in the complex Antarctic climate system.

Joint Sessions led by IAPSO

JPM01 Interdisciplinary Tsunami Science

  • Convener(s)

    • Yuichiro Tanioka (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Alexander Rabinovich (Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Federation / Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada)
    • Jadranka Šepić (University of Split, Croatia)
    • Prof. Byoung-Ju Choi (Chonnam National University, Republic of Korea)
  • Description

    The session on interdisciplinary tsunami science highlights the rapid advancements in tsunami research, spurred by recent destructive global, regional, and local tsunami events. The diverse sources of tsunamis, as observed during the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai explosive volcanic eruption, emphasize the complexity of tsunamigenic processes across seabed, ocean, and atmospheric environments. These varied sources pose challenges for creating efficient, multi-source tsunami early warning systems. Additionally, local meteotsunamis generated by weather systems appear to be more frequent and catastrophic than quantified by tsunami catalogues, significantly increasing the risk of coastal hazards in marginal seas of southeastern Asia. This interdisciplinary session aims to unite experts from oceanography, atmospheric sciences, seismology, volcanology, geology, engineering, and social sciences to address tsunami hazards and risks, with the goal to foster new insights and develop community science approaches to enhance preparedness and integrally mitigate tsunami risks.

JPM02 Ocean dynamics and climate variability in the North Pacific

  • Convener(s)

    • Young-Gyu Park (KIOST, Republic of Korea, IAPSO)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Hanna Na (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
    • Young Ho Kim (Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea)
  • Description

    This session will cover the ocean dynamics and climate variability in the North Pacific focusing on, but not limited to, the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio extension region. Many oceanic and climate phenomena affect marginal seas and their neighboring countries in the North Pacific. Studies have shown that spatio-temporal variability of the Kuroshio current system, mesoscale eddies, and climate variabilities such as the ENSO and PDO are a few among those critical for understanding the North Pacific variability. This session seeks contributions on all aspects of the North Pacific variability as well as its interactions with neighboring seas, such as the tropical Pacific and Pacific marginal seas, based on both observational and modelling studies. We welcome contributions involving novel methods of measurements, comprehensive data analysis to reveal the ocean dynamics and climate variability as well as numerical studies and data assimilation for the ocean and climate prediction systems in the North Pacific and neighboring seas.

JPM03 Ocean and climate seamless forecasting

  • Convener(s)

    • Fangli Qiao (First Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China, IAPSO)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Alexander V. Babanin (The University of Melbourne, Australia, IAPSO)
    • Joel Hirschi (National Oceanography Centre, UK, IAPSO)
  • Description

    This joint session focuses on sciences related to seamless forecasting, including but not limited to turbulence observation for parameterization, air-sea interaction parameterization, ocean to climate model development for seamless forecasting. During the session, technological innovation which in favour of observing of turbulence, air-sea interaction and/or low-cost observation techniques supporting seamless forecasting are highly emphasized. The session will also explore new mechanisms governing air-sea interaction, with an emphasis on the role of ocean waves in regulating air-sea fluxes. Ocean to climate models for seamless forecasting are highly welcomed, including data assimilation schemes, high-performance computing, and AI-based forecasting. Applications for early-warning and thus contribute to the UN Ocean Decade are highly encouraged to our session.

JPM04 Indian Ocean Sciences

  • Convener(s)

    • Yukio Masumoto (University of Tokio, Japan, IAPSO)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Nick D'Adamo (The University of Western Australia, Australia)
    • Raleigh Hood (Univ. of Maryland, USA)
    • Satheesh Shenoi (INCOIS-Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, India)
    • Tamaki Suematsu (RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Japan, IAMAS?)
    • Hisashi Nakamura (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
  • Description

    The Indian Ocean is unique on the globe. Its northern boundary blocked by the continent of Asia, at a lower latitude, generates a strong monsoonal climate in the northern hemisphere, while the southern hemisphere is widely open to the Southern Ocean. Water inflows through the Indonesian Seas from the Pacific and the outflows to the Atlantic via the Agulhas Current system and also exchanges through the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, affecting the energy and mass balance within the sector. The Indian Ocean also interacts with the atmosphere through the surface boundaries, with the rivers through runoffs, and solid earth through the ocean bottom. All these give rise to many unique and important phenomena that are not observed in the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans. Since the countries on the rim of the Indian Ocean house about 30% of the World’s population, its influence on socio-economic values and the activities is quite high.
    This symposium aims to summarize and highlight recent advances in ourunderstanding of Indian Ocean multi-disciplinary sciences. We invite papers on various aspects of Indian Ocean sciences, including, but not limited to, circulation and boundary currents, climate and monsoon variability, extreme events, air-sea interactions, ocean observations and data, impacts of climate change, biogeochemical processes, biology and ecology of the Indian Ocean. This session also invites papers describing programs, projects, activities and other significant contributions to showcase the ongoing or planned activities and the connection of ocean scientists with the broader agenda of sustainable development of oceans. We especially welcome contributions from international teams and consortia highlighting the power of international cooperation, capacity and knowledge sharing in a transdisciplinary context, e.g. the ongoing international activities such as the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) and the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UNDOS).

JPM05 Heatwaves in the atmosphere and ocean

  • Convener(s)

    • Gyundo Pak (KIOST, Republic of Korea, IAPSO)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Sang-Wook Yeh (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
  • Description

    The warming of both the ocean and atmosphere has been linked to an increase in extreme climate events, including heatwaves, which are expected to become more severe under global warming scenarios. This will pose significant threats to both natural and socioeconomic systems. Consequently, monitoring and understanding these extreme events are crucial to mitigate their impacts on environmental and human systems. This session aims to provide an updated comprehension of heatwaves across the ocean and atmosphere – past, present, and future – and their interactions, with a particular focus on their occurrences and impacts at various regions. Contributions on the advancement of heatwave prediction systems and research based on recent earth system models (CMIP6) are also a main focus.

JPCM07 Turbulence, Internal Waves and Mixing on all scales

  • Convener(s)

    • Toshiyuki Hibiya (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan, IAPSO)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Jinkyu Hong (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
    • Yueng-Djern Lenn (Bangor University, UK, IACS)
    • Hans van Haren (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research-NIOZ, The Netherlands, IAPSO)
  • Description

    In this joint symposium, we will explore how turbulence, internal waves, and mixing operate at different spatial and temporal scales in the ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere, ranging from small-scale turbulent eddies to large-scale planetary waves. By studying these processes at different scales, we hope to understand their iimpact on climate dynamics, circulation patterns, and environmental balance, as well as their role in shaping the physical and biogeochemical properties of Earth's interconnected systems.

    In addition, the symposium will address advances in observational techniques, modeling methodologies, and theoretical frameworks that contribute to our understanding of turbulence, internal waves, and mixing processes. Through interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists and researchers from different fields, we aim to foster innovative approaches and develop comprehensive models that capture the complexity of these phenomena.

    Ultimately, this symposium provides a platform to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and promote collaboration among researchers interested in unraveling the mysteries of turbulence, internal waves, and mixing in various domains of Earth's fluid dynamics.

JPCM08 Impacts of climate change on the ocean

  • Convener(s)

    • Catia Domingues (National Oceanography Centre, UK, IAPSO)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Abhishek Savita (University of Miami, USA)
    • Christian Franzke (Pusan National University, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
    • Felicity McComarck (Monash University, Australia, IACS)
  • Description

    The ocean is indispensable to life on Earth, influencing every facet of our planet. It regulates climate, weather patterns, food production, and more. However, human-made climate change has initiated a planetary crisis, reshaping the ocean’s natural evolution from surface to depth and altering its complex links with other Earth system components. The alarming rate of oceanic climate change, evident through key indicators and consecutive hitting records, coupled with the risk of tipping points, underscores the pressing need for deeper scientific knowledge. This deeper understanding, drawn from a range of sources including paleo proxies, contemporary observations, modelling, and indigenous knowledge, is essential for guiding effective action. Such action includes reversing the ocean health decline through increased stewardship, devising strategies to adapt and mitigate adverse impacts, and evaluating the cost-benefit of ocean-based solutions in combating human-induced climate change. In our session, we will explore the latest developments in monitoring, modelling, analysing the complex and ongoing climate changes occurring in our physical and biogeochemical ocean and their drivers and impacts. We welcome studies from paleo proxies, contemporary observations, modelling to indigenous/local perspectives, from global to local scales, including:

    - Physical and biogeochemical changes (e.g. ocean warming, stratification, deoxygenation, acidification, rising sea levels, water mass formation and circulation changes, etc.).
    - Mechanisms and drivers behind key ocean climate indicators.
    - Future ocean change trends and tipping points.
    - Impacts on marine life, biodiversity, and productivity.
    - Impacts on society (e.g. alterations in rainfall patterns leading to droughts and floods).
    We invite scientists, practitioners, policymakers, stakeholders, and general public around the world to join us for stimulating discussions and knowledge exchange. Let’s deepen our understanding of ocean change science and collaborate to address the urgent challenges facing our ocean and planet.

JPCM10 The interactions between atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere in recent Antarctic climate change

  • Convener(s)

    • Sang-Yoon Jun (Korea Polar Research Institute, Republic of Korea, IAPSO/IAMAS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Taewook Park (Korea Polar Research Institute, Republic of Korea, IAPSO)
    • Joo-Hong Kim (Korea Polar Research Institute,Republic of Korea, IACS ?)
    • Eui-Seok Chung (Korea Polar Research Institute, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
    • Joellen Russel (University of Arizona, USA, IAPSO)
  • Description

    The recent observations of rapid changes in surface temperatures, diminishing sea ice, and ice sheet alterations in the Antarctic, particularly in West Antarctica, underscore the pressing need to comprehend and address climate change within this region amid global warming. The cryosphere's significant influence on polar climate change, through its complex interactions with the atmosphere and ocean, adds layers of complexity to the evolving polar climate system. These underscore the critical need for a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere to understand climate change in Antarctica. This session aims to enhance our understanding of Antarctic climate change by synthesizing diverse research findings that highlight the role of atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere interactions in the recent Antarctic climate change. We invite contributions of recent research on these interactions within the Antarctic climate system, from observational data and modeling studies.

Joint Sessions led by IACS

JCM01 Coupling between the atmosphere and snow/ice surfaces: Observations and modelling

  • Convener(s)

    • Rebecca Mott (WSL, Switzerland)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Michael Town (ESR, USA)
    • Vincent Vionnet (ECCC, Canada)
    • Richard Essery (University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Description

    This symposium addresses fundamental exchange mechanisms of mass and energy between the cryosphere and the atmospheric boundary layer in snow- and ice-covered regions. The interaction between the near-surface atmosphere and the cryosphere can lead to significant spatial and temporal variations of momentum, mass- and energy exchange as well as complex atmospheric flow patterns that are modulated by complexities in topography and land surfaces. These processes strongly affect the evolution of seasonal snow cover, glaciers, permafrost and sea ice, and drive snow and ice hydrology. We invite contributions on topics including but not limited to:

    treatment of turbulent fluxes over snow in models and measurements
    advection of energy to snow-covers and glaciers and impact on snow and ice melt
    orographically-induced precipitation and preferential deposition of snowfall
    wind-induced snow transport and associated sublimation
    impact of vegetation on snow/atmosphere interactions
    relative influence of precipitation, latent heat transfer, and redistribution on water isotope signals in snow and ice
    Studies in level and mountainous terrain are welcome. Those who make observations, run models (coupled, or driven from one side or the other), and develop model parameterizations are encouraged to participate in this session.

JCM02 Cryosphere changes and potential drivers in High Mountain Asia

  • Convener(s)

    • Mohd. Farooq Azam (Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Lijuan Ma (National Climate Center, China, IAMAS)
    • RAAJ Ramsankaran (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)
    • Peter J van Oevelen (George Mason University, USA)
    • Ashim Sattar (Indian Institute of Technology, India)
  • Description

    Understanding the response of the High Mountain Asia (HMA) cryosphere to climate change is crucial for millions of people living downstream who partly depend on meltwater. Recently, glacier changes have been extensively studied, mostly using satellite data and numerical models. However, changes in snow cover and permafrost still need to be better understood due to insufficient in-situ observations, high-quality reanalysis data, and high-resolution remote sensing data. The response of these cryospheric components to climate change in mountainous regions is not a simple effect of atmospheric heating but depends especially on regional topography, elevation, and local atmospheric influences. Furthermore, limited in-situ glacier mass balance, permafrost, and hydrometeorological observations restrict our understanding of the physical processes governing hydrologic changes. We invite contributions based on remote sensing, in-situ observations, or numerical modeling of cryosphere changes in the HMA. We especially encourage studies integrating atmospheric and cryospheric interactions with remote sensing data and exploring the potential drivers behind observed changes.

JCM03 Permafrost under changing climate

  • Convener(s)

    • Jinho Ahn (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, IACS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Chang-Hyun Park (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
    • Eunji Byun (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
    • Go Iwahana (University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA)
    • Tonghua Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
    • Hotaek Park (JAMSTEC, Japan)
  • Description

    Permafrost regions are experiencing climate change at a rate three times faster than the global average. As the climate warms, we observe environmental shifts that lead to permafrost degradation, deeper active layers, and increased greenhouse gas emissions from soil microbial decomposition, along with changes in surface vegetation patterns. However, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms, especially the potential feedback effects on climate change, remains insufficient. This session seeks presentations encompassing an understanding of permafrost degradation processes, changes in the contemporary carbon cycle, and the reconstruction of paleoclimate and paleoenvironments using frozen soil and ground ice archives. This session also welcomes other pertinent topics to explore interactive processes between climate change and frozen terrestrial environments, ranging from observational studies to modeling endeavors.

JCM04 Recent Advances in Ice Core Science

  • Convener(s)

    • Jinho Ahn (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, IACS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Sang-Yoon Jun (Korea Polar Research Institute, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
    • Youngchul Han (Korea Polar Research Institute, Republic of Korea)
    • Yuzhen Yan (Tongji University, China)
    • Changhee Han (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
  • Description

    Ice cores serve as crucial archives for understanding climates and environments. However, there is an urgent need for high-resolution records dating back from the recent past to further than the last 800,000 years as well as development of new proxies. These advancements will greatly improve our ability to uncover the interconnected relationships and feedback loops within Earth’s climate system. We welcome cutting-edge analytical techniques, novel records and new interpretations, covering a wide range of factors including ancient local and regional temperatures, atmospheric circulations, gas compositions, aerosols, solar activity, ice dynamics, biological productivity, and microorganisms. Additionally, we encourage the integration of ice core data into climate models for a more comprehensive understanding of past climate dynamics. 

JCMP08 Connecting Polar to lower latitudes: A global perspective on climate change and impacts for Future Earth Strategies

  • Convener(s)

    • Jiping Liu (Sun Yat-sen University, China, IACS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Kyung-Ja Ha (IBS Center for Climate Physics & Pusan National University, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
    • Masahiro Watanabe (The University of Tokyo, Japan, IAPSO)
    • Wenjie Dong (Sun Yat-sen University, China, IACS/IAPSO)
    • Jonghun Kam (POSTECH, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
    • Qinghua Yang (Sun Yat-sen University, China, IACS)
    • Naiming Yuan (Sun Yat-sen University, China, IAMAS)
  • Description

    In recent years, great efforts have been made focusing on deepening our understanding of climate change and its impacts. International programs on both global (e.g., the Future Earth) and regional scales (e.g., the A3 Foresight Program) have been connecting researchers from multidisciplinary fields. The polar region, as one of the most important sensitive areas to climate change and an amplifier of climate change, is crucial for understanding climate change and making strategies. This session explores polar and tropical connections in both the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere, as well as their seasonal expressions and hemispheric differences. Discussions will be centered on the degree of influence of polar climate change on lower latitudes from observational, modeling, and theoretical perspectives, including influences on mid-latitude and tropical atmospheric dynamics, ocean circulation and sea surface temperature patterns, energy transports, and global warming. Research on polar-induced climate change impacts over lower latitudes (including extreme events, tipping points, etc.), as well as discussions of possible coping strategies for Future Earth are particularly encouraged.

JCMP09 Ice sheet mass loss: A driver of sea level rise

  • Convener(s)

    • Won Sang Lee (Korea Polar Research Institute, Republic of Korea, IACS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Emilia Kyung Jin (Korea Polar Research Institute, Republic of Korea, IAPSO)
    • Dan Lowry (GNS Science, New Zealand)
    • Alessandro Silvano (University of Southampton, UK), IAPSO
  • Description

    Sea level rise is a significant consequence of climate change, representing an unavoidable and irreversible reality. The rapid depletion of the cryosphere has emerged as the primary catalyst driving recent sea level increases. Accurately assessing the pace, extent, and regional variations of cryospheric thawing is essential for refining future sea level projections in a warming world. Our session aims to elucidate the complex interactions among the cryosphere, atmosphere, ocean, and lithosphere that influence the dynamics of rapid cryospheric changes. We seek to present the latest findings from observational and modeling studies using cutting-edge technologies, contributing to a deeper understanding of these processes. Discussions will encompass variability on various time scales, ranging from paleoclimate to present and future, as well as changes on different spatial scales, from local glaciers to continents. Furthermore, we strive to facilitate substantive discussions on the strategic orientation of research endeavors and the necessity for international collaboration. By consolidating our efforts, we aim to reduce uncertainties in future sea level rise projections, guiding a more resilient course for our planet's future.

JCMP10 The atmosphere, cryosphere and oceans in Earth System Models

  • Convener(s)

    • Anais Orsi (University of British Columbia, Canada, IACS)
  • Co-Convener(s)

    • Myong-In Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea, IAMAS)
    • Richard Essery (University of Edinburgh, UK, IACS)
    • Malin Ödalen (NORCE, Norway, IAPSO)
  • Description

    Starting with highly simplified representations of atmosphere and ocean dynamics and snow and sea ice physics in the earliest coupled ocean-atmosphere circulation model of Manabe and Bryan in 1969, Earth System Model complexity has substantially increased over time. With better understanding, resolution, model infrastructure and computational resources, the range of physical atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean processes that can be directly represented in Earth System Models has increased, but large uncertainties remain. Processes acting on small spatial scales can benefit from improved parameterisations. Meanwhile, challenges also arise due to the range of timescales upon which different processes in the Earth System act. For this reason, dynamics of ice sheets and glaciers are still often investigated with separate offline models. This symposium will welcome submissions on all aspects of development, evaluation and prediction from the atmosphere, cryosphere and oceans components of Earth System Models, either separately or interacting.